朱华. 中国热带生物地理北界的建议[J]. 植物科学学报, 2018, 36(6): 893-898. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2018.60893
引用本文: 朱华. 中国热带生物地理北界的建议[J]. 植物科学学报, 2018, 36(6): 893-898. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2018.60893
Zhu Hua. Suggestions for the northern boundary of the tropical zone in China[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2018, 36(6): 893-898. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2018.60893
Citation: Zhu Hua. Suggestions for the northern boundary of the tropical zone in China[J]. Plant Science Journal, 2018, 36(6): 893-898. DOI: 10.11913/PSJ.2095-0837.2018.60893


Suggestions for the northern boundary of the tropical zone in China

  • 摘要: 以前多个关于中国热带北界的建议由于依据的指标和学科不同,存在很大的差异。我们基于202个中国地理区的植物区系和气象资料,对中国种子植物属的地理成分分布格局及其与气候、经纬度分布的关系进行研究,同时依据覆盖中国北纬30°以南地区的135个地方植物区系资料,对种子植物属的地理成分分布格局进行了研究。结果显示,在中国植物区系中,依据种子植物区系科和属的地理成分(即分布区类型),发现热带分布属中80%以上的区域基本上在中国南部和东南部北纬22°30'以南。在这条界线以南地区,位于基带(低海拔或水平地带性区域)的原始植被为热带森林(热带雨林、季雨林),并且具有在中国分布的典型热带植物科,但在中国西南部,热带森林沿云南西部可达到北纬24°30',在西藏南部的深切河谷可达到北纬29°。这条界线与中国的热带雨林、季雨林区划的北界相符合,亦与植物区系分区上的泛北极植物区系与古热带植物区系的地理分界线相吻合。结合中国植被和植物区系区划,我们建议将北纬22°30'作为中国南部和东南部的生物地理热带北界。这条热带北界比气候上的热带北界(21°30'N,年积温8000℃以上)更北,这暗示中国热带地区在历史上可能曾达到更北的范围,支持在古生态学研究上提出的全新世中期中国东部地区热带和亚热带常绿阔叶林曾北移的结论。


    Abstract: The tropical region of China is generally recognized as the area on the northern edge of tropical Asia. Suggested demarcation lines for the northern boundary of the tropical zone in China are largely based on climatic and agroclimatic parameters or macro-level vegetation boundaries, and thus vary considerably. To clarify this controversial issue, a total of 202 regional floristic data that covered all of China were used to establish distribution-type frequency maps at the generic level, and the correlations between the floristic elements and climatic gradients were analysed. Furthermore, a total of 135 regional flora from southern China were used to reassess the extent and boundaries of the tropical zone. Results showed that the areas with tropical genera from the geographical elements of Chinese seed plants that accounted for more than 80% of total genera from regional flora were located south of 22°30'N in southern and southeastern China, which corresponds closely to the northern boundary of the tropical monsoon forest and rainforest in southeastern China; furthermore, south of the line, tropical rainforest occurred on lowlands and typical tropical families also existed. The line at 22°30' N is, therefore, suggested as the northern biogeographical boundary of the tropical zone in south and southeastern China. However, the northern boundary of the tropical area reached 24°30' N in western Yunnan and 29° N in southern Xizang(Tibet) disjunctly in deep valleys. This line is to the far north of the northern boundary of the marginal tropical climate(21°30'N, effective accumulative temperature of 8000℃ with > 10℃ daily mean temperature), implying that the tropical zone may have extended further north during geological history than it does at present. This conclusion supports the northward shift of tropical and subtropical broadleaved evergreen forest in eastern China during the mid-Holocene from paleoecological studies.


